unambitious - a pixelfed instagram feed by jörn vanselow



About un­am­bi­tious, the ins­ta­gram feed by Jörn Van­se­low

For many years I tried to be­co­me a 'good' pho­to­gra­pher with a lot of am­bi­ti­on. I no lon­ger have that am­bi­ti­on. Pho­to­gra­phy as an art form is dead. It pro­ba­b­ly never was a form of art. Today, at any rate, it is in the clut­ches of hip bour­geois kids who use their ca­me­ras to both de­pict and il­lus­tra­te their pri­vi­le­ged lives. Or old men who con­fu­se au­then­ti­ci­ty with truth. The worst kind are those who con­ti­nue to use ana­logue ca­me­ras, for whom eve­r­y­thing di­gi­tal is a kind of devil's work. Re­ac­ti­o­na­ry idiots, bo­ring old farts. There is only one plat­form left for pho­to­gra­phy: Ins­ta­gram. Ins­ta­gram is rock'n'roll. Fire and for­get, fast and flee­ting. There is nothing more em­bar­ras­sing than wan­ting to leave a "work" be­hind. All you can see here are only snaps­hots. Un­am­bi­tious.

Thank you for nothing to all idiots and liars (you know who you are).